
Showing posts from August, 2021

Mounting a response

" OK my dear sister it sounds to me like your immune system is mounting a response and that’s exactly what you need. Even though there is another version of the virus if you’ve had it before your immune system will recognize a part of it and mount a response." Pua read the email. Squinting through her sunglasses, she grunted, kinked her head with the thought that she didn't know if the virus was a new-comer, or a return visit. She figured for as many years as she'd put in, it was the later, nodded and called Iliahi then remembered he was still at school.  "I'm really too old to keep this up," she said, mostly to herself, though she knew they were always listening anyway. She reached for the small vial of herbs. Two rows of amber bottles, in alphabetical order, lined her small bedside table. It was the St. Joan's Wort she wanted. The glass tube filled with the pale red liquid as her thumb and finger squeezed the rubber bulb. Keep it simple. "I wi