
This page is for the tenacious. Those He'e people who have the gripping tentacles of curiosity and genes of deep divers. This page is for the Octopus people. How else would you have found Part II of the fable, myth, ka'ao  Hand Tools, if not for your 8-fold superpower?


The ka'ao Hand Tools began as a blog-story over here.

That story leads to this one, Resident Magicians, a continuance a mo'olelo evolving. The original story is now being molded, edited, given aloha and attention to become a chapbook and workbook that you can hold in your hand. As my friend, and longest-time reader of my stories and blogs said, "Blogs are backward. Unless you're really committed (If you're not lazy) you won't go back through the blog when you're confused." She was telling me a blog is written and published so you have to go backward to go forward. 

Confused? Understandable.

But the papa (the foundation) of a blog suits my style of sorting and seeing story come alive. The process of publishing segments helps me create. I work independently and that's important to me. I've learned to work around the short-comings of this blog world for more than a decade. The results are a thrust-and-relax sort of Scorpio dance.

The revolutionary (Uranus) step is in the creating and printing a book. A small one. A chapbook. Coming soon.

Thanks for reading. Hope it makes some kind of sense to you. If not, leave me a comment and we could sort your confusion out together.

If you haven't yet read Hand Tools, you can do that by linking to it.



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